Who is a Candidate for Scleral Lenses?

Scleral lenses are specialized contact lenses that are larger than standard contacts. They're designed to cover the entire cornea (the clear front surface of the eye) and rest on the white part of the eye, known as the sclera. This design allows for a better, more comfortable fit for people with certain eye conditions.



Understanding the Function of Scleral Lenses


Scleral lenses function differently than regular contact lenses. They create a tear-filled vault over the cornea, which helps to keep the eye moist and comfortable.


Another vital function of scleral lenses is their ability to provide superior vision correction. Because they sit on the sclera and don't move around like regular contacts, they offer stable and consistent vision.


Finally, scleral lenses protect the delicate corneal surface from exposure and friction, reducing the risk of further damage or injury.



What are the Benefits of Scleral Lenses?


The benefits of scleral lenses go beyond their function. They offer a level of comfort that many people find superior to regular contacts. Because of their larger size and the liquid-filled vault they create over the cornea, they don't cause the same dryness or discomfort that some people experience with regular contacts.


Additionally, scleral lenses also provide exceptional visual acuity. They correct vision problems more effectively than regular contacts or glasses, especially for those with irregular corneas. For these individuals, standard contacts or glasses may not provide adequate vision correction. Scleral lenses, however, can correct vision to a level that allows these individuals to engage in regular activities without difficulty.


Lastly, scleral lenses are custom-designed for each individual's eye. This means they fit better and offer more comfort than standard lenses. It also means they can be an effective solution for those who have had difficulty with other types of lenses in the past.



Identifying the Ideal Candidate for Scleral Lenses


Firstly, the candidate would be someone who has tried regular contact lenses but found them uncomfortable or ineffective. This could be due to dryness, poor fit, or inadequate vision correction. Such individuals might find that scleral lenses provide a more comfortable and effective solution.


Secondly, the ideal candidate would have a specific eye condition that makes scleral lenses a recommended option. This could include conditions like keratoconus, dry eye syndrome, post-LASIK complications, severe astigmatism, or other corneal irregularities.


Lastly, a good candidate for scleral lenses would be someone who is willing to follow the necessary care and maintenance routines. Scleral lenses require a specific cleaning routine and regular follow-up appointments with an eye care professional to ensure they continue to provide optimal vision and comfort.



Are Scleral Lenses Right for You?


If you're someone who has struggled with regular contacts, has a specific eye condition that makes scleral lenses a good option, or is willing to put in the necessary care and maintenance, the answer might be yes.

Scleral lenses have made a significant difference in the lives of many individuals, offering comfort, superior vision correction, and a better overall quality of life.


It's crucial to consult with your optometrist to determine if Scleral lenses are right for you. The doctor will perform a comprehensive eye exam, and choose the right course of action for your needs.


If you would like to explore the benefits of scleral lenses, contact The Optical Centre at our office in Longmont, Colorado. Call (303) 772-6650 to book an appointment today.

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