Glasses and Contacts Across Ages: Which is Right for You?

Vision correction is a critical aspect of eye health that often changes as we age. It is essential to understand how our vision needs may evolve over time to make the right decisions regarding eyewear. Understanding vision correction across ages is necessary to maintain optimal eye health.

An Age-wise Guide to Vision Correction

When it comes to deciding between glasses or contacts, age can play a significant role. For young children, glasses are usually the preferred option as they are safer and easier to manage. Teenagers, who might be more conscious about their looks, might prefer contacts. However, it's important to ensure that they understand the responsibility that comes with wearing and caring for contacts.

For adults, the choice between glasses and contacts largely depends on lifestyle, preference, and eye health. Active adults might prefer contacts, while those working long hours on screens might find glasses more comfortable.

As we age, we might experience changes in our vision that might make one option more suitable than the other. For instance, the onset of presbyopia might make bifocal or multifocal glasses a necessity.

A Look at Glasses

Glasses have been a traditional form of vision correction for centuries. They come with several pros, such as ease of use and versatility. Glasses can correct most forms of refractive errors, and they can be customized to cater to your individual aesthetic preferences. Glasses can provide some protection to your eyes from environmental factors like dust and wind.

However, glasses also come with their share of cons. They can sometimes be uncomfortable, especially when worn for extended periods. Some people might find them distracting, and they can fog up in cold weather or during physical activity.

When it comes to suitability, glasses can be a good option for almost anyone, regardless of age. They are especially suited for those with dry or sensitive eyes, people who are not comfortable touching their eyes, and individuals with a high prescription that might not be suitable for contacts.

Delving into Contact Lenses

Contact lenses have gained popularity over the past few decades as a viable alternative to glasses. Contacts sit directly on the eye, providing a wider field of vision and less distortion than glasses. They are also less affected by weather conditions and don't interfere with physical activity, making them a popular choice among athletes and those with an active lifestyle.

However, contacts also have their downsides. They require more care than glasses, including regular cleaning and proper storage. They can also increase the risk of eye infections if not handled properly. Contacts might not be suitable for everyone. Individuals with dry eyes, certain allergies, or those who work in dusty environments might find contacts uncomfortable or even harmful.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Between Glasses and Contacts

When choosing between glasses or contacts, there are several factors to consider. First is your personal preference. Do you prefer the convenience of glasses, or do you value the wider field of vision provided by contacts? Your aesthetic preferences also matter. Some people prefer the way they look in glasses, while others prefer the natural look that contacts provide.

Additionally, you should consider your eye health. If you have certain eye conditions, your eye care professional might recommend one form of vision correction over the other.


Choosing the right form of vision correction is a personal decision that should be made after considering various factors, including your lifestyle, comfort, prescription, and eye health. Whether you choose glasses or contacts, it's essential to have regular eye check-ups to ensure your vision correction needs are being met. Consult with an eye care professional to understand your vision needs better and make an informed decision.

To learn more on glasses and contacts or to determine which is right for you, visit The Optical Centre at our office in Longmont, Colorado. Please call (303) 772-6650 to schedule an appointment today.

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